With just days to go until the big event, the flags are being hung and the rainbow window decorations are taking place as Goole gears up to host its second annual Pride.
Taking place on Saturday, August 12, activities will be taking place at venues across the town to bring people together and celebrate every member of our town. To kick off the day’s celebrations, West Park will host a special Pride themed Park Run from 9am. People are invited to sign up to walk, run or volunteer at the event and wear bright rainbow colours to kick the day off with a bang. Goole Councillor, Anne Handley will then officially open the days main event at Goole’s Victorian Market Hall at 12 noon. With live music, spoken word, stalls and much more, the day aims to provide an opportunity for people to celebrate who they are.
Entertainer and comedian Andy Train will once again compere the event, with local performers such as Stagedoor Academy, Butterfly Dance Studios, The Soul Survivors and Humberside Police Concert Band, to name a few, providing live entertainment throughout the day. Goole Library will also be getting involved with the event and is hosting a range of activities throughout the day for all age groups. Goole Museum will also be celebrating Autism Pride by creating a safe quiet space on the day for anyone who needs it. On Sunday, August 13 there will also be a chance for people to walk and talk without judgement during the Mental Health Mates Goole Pride Walk. People are invited to meat at the cafe in West Park at 10.30am and dogs are welcome too! The event has once again been made possible thanks to a group of dedicated volunteers as well as funding kindly donated by Siemens’ Mobility.
For more information, or to sign up for the Park Run visit the Goole Pride Facebook page.
West Park will host a Pride themed Park Run. (03-08-104 SU)